The Back Door to Hell

The little entrance

seemed smaller than

a table.


Every day was

a birthday.


My sister was

a miser.


The floor lived in its

leather enclosure.


The floor

caved in.


There will be

no questions.

This Is An Awkward Monster

I have made 

every mistake.


I have accumulated

the coldest nausea.


My outstretched hand, its 

curving fingernail: these 

are the only objects. They

are not flowers.


Their sound

is sickening.  


Connor Fisher is the author of the chapbooks The Hinge (Epigraph Magazine, 2018) and Speculative Geography (Greying Ghost Press, forthcoming 2021). He has an MFA from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Ph.D. in Creative Writing and English from the University of Georgia. His poetry and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Typo, The Colorado Review, Tammy, Posit, Cloud Rodeo, and The Denver Quarterly.