—captions from the David Bowie movie

[siren wailing in distance][indistinct][sobbing]

[man on TV][Man] Run

[TV audio overlapping][bird 

wings flapping][radio static][alarm ringing]

[knocking]      [knocking on door][sobbing] 

Get out, now


[sniffles] [clock ticking] 

[overlapping chatter] [crying][cheering]

[overlapping reporters speaking][yelling][yelling 

indistinctly] [phone ringing][grunting][phone 

continues ringing][grunting][radio 

broadcasting baseball game] 


[screaming]  [exhaling deeply]

[heartbeat][door opening][exhaling deeply]

[rock music in background][groaning] 

[train whistle][grunting][faint ticking][sighing] 

[laughing][laughing continues][grunting]

[chuckling][laughing][cocks gun] 







[wind blowing]

[explosion][cash register rings][indistinct][sighing]   


Paul Siegell is the author of Take Out Delivery (Spuyten Duyvil, 2018), as well as wild life rifle fire, jambandbootleg and Poemergency Room. He is a senior editor at Painted Bride Quarterly and has contributed to American Poetry Review, Black Warrior Review, Rattle, and many other fine journals. Kindly find more of his work — and concrete poetry t-shirts — at ReVeLeR @ eYeLeVeL and @paulsiegell.